Lotus Space gives you flexibility. Consists of three spacious sections to accommodate a large number of participants. The Lotus Room is very suitable for all seminars, exhibitions and other events.

With a capacity of up to 130 people and equipped with audio-visual facilities, the Flamboyan Room is the right choice for holding presentation events.

The Orchid Room is an alternative choice for a multi-purpose room for a small number of participants. With a choice of classroom or theater style settings, the Orchid Room allows you to host a private convention for 35 to 60 participants.
Available Theater Style and Class Room Style, provided with LCD Projector, Ultra Short Throw Projector, Lobby Room
- Lotus 1/2/3 -> Theater Style 100 person, class room style 50 person, u-shape and meeting style 36-39 person
- Lotus 1,2,3 -> Theater Style 300 person, class room style 150 person, u-shape 120 person
- Lotus 1,2 -> theater style 200 person, classroom style 100 person, u-shape and meeting style 80 – 85 person
Flexibility is one thing that the Lotus Room can provide you. Consist of three spacious rooms wich can be adapted to accommodate total attendants. The Lotus Rooms are fit enough to held a seminar or exhibition and many other events.
Fleksibilitas adalah satu hal yang dapat diberikan oleh Lotus Room kepada Anda. Terdiri dari tiga ruangan luas yang dapat disesuaikan untuk menampung jumlah petugas. Lotus Rooms cukup cocok untuk menyelenggarakan seminar atau pameran dan banyak acara lainnya.
With a capability up to 130 persons and an additional audio visual facilities, the Flamboyan Room is a perfect choice to promote an extraordinary presentation events. Supported by a complete lighting design, the need of a luxurious presentation are manageable.
Dengan kapasitas hingga 130 orang dan tambahan fasilitas audio visual, Flamboyan Room merupakan pilihan tepat untuk melangsungkan acara presentasi yang luar biasa. Didukung dengan desain pencahayaan yang lengkap, kebutuhan akan presentasi yang mewah dapat dipenuhi.
Available Theater Style and Class Room Style, provided with LCD Projector, Ultra Short Throw Projector, Lobby Room
- Orchid 1/2 -> Theater style 60 person, class room style 30 person u-shape and meeting style 30 – 33 person
- Orchid 3 -> Theater style 100 person, class room style 50 person, u-shape and meeting style 36-39 person
The Orchid Room is an alternative choice for a multi-purpose room for a small number of participants. With a choice of classroom or theater style settings, the Orchid Room allows you to host a private convention for 35 to 60 participants.
Ruang Orchid menjadi salah satu alternatif pilihan ruangan serba guna dengan jumlah peserta sedikit. Dengan pilihan pengaturan gaya ruang kelas atau teater, Ruang Orchid memungkinkan Anda menyelenggarakan konvensi pribadi untuk 35 hingga 60 peserta.